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Autor: infored

List of embassies and consulates in Honduras

Addresses and telephone numbers of the Embassies of all the countries that have diplomatic representation in Honduras.

Consulate of Honduras in New York, NY

Provides passport issuance and renewal services, enrollment for the National Identification Document (DNI).

Consular Section of Honduras in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany

Address: Cuxhavenerstr. 14, 10555 Berlín, Alemania

Indigenous Organizations of Honduras

Honduras has different Organizations and NGOs that defend the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of the country.

Mission of Honduras to FAO

Giselle Canahuati CanahuatiCharge d’Affaires, Consul General and Minister Counselor Address: Via Emanuele Gianturco, 5 00196, Roma, Italia Phones: 00-39-0662287544, 00-39-0662287545 Fax: 00-39-063207973 E-mail:

Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland

Giampaolo Rizzo Alvarado Embajador jefe de Misión – Representante Permanente Address: 23 Avenue de France 1202, Ginebra, Suiza Phones: 00-41(0) 22710-0760 Fax: 00-41(0) 22710-0766 E-mail:

Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations (UN)

Mary Elizabeth Flores Flake Embajadora representante Permanente de Honduras ante la ONU Concurrencia en: Concurrente en Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Arabia Saudita, Kuwait, Bahréin, Líbano, Brunei, Sultanado de Omán. Egipt Address: 866 United Nations Plaza Suite 417 New York N.Y. 10017 Phones: 001-212-752-3370, 001-212-752-3371 E-mail:,

Mission of Honduras to the Organization of American States (OAS)

Luis Cordero Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Address: 1250 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC Phone: 001-202-966-0812, 001-202 – 664-282 E-mail:,

Embassy of Honduras in Kuwait

Luis Alonso Velásquez Galeano Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Address: Surra, Blocks, Street 1 villa #517, Kuwait City, Kuwait Phone: 965 2531-0357 E-mail:

Embassy of Honduras in Italy

Giselle Canahuati Canahuati Encargada de Negocios, Consul General y Ministro Consejero Address: Via Emanuele Gianturco, 500196, Roma, Italia Phone: 00-39 0662287544 Fax: 00-390662287545 E-mail: