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Indigenous Organizations of Honduras

Honduras has different Organizations and NGOs that defend the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of the country.
Among them we can find:

Indigenous Organizations

1.- Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Honduras (CONPAH)

Organization created in 1992, which integrates all the Indigenous and Black Peoples of Honduras (Fith, Onilh, Fetriph (Pech), Fetrixy (Xicaque), Nabipla (Criollos), Masta (Miskitos), Finah (Nahuas), Ofraneh (Garinagu) , Conimchh (Chortis), Copin (Lenca) Coordinates and manages demands for their rights before the State, and seeks to open spaces for participation for Indigenous Peoples,
is part of the Indigenous Council of Central America (CICA). Physical address: Barrio La Granja, 2 calle, Casa 3327, MDC, Contiguo, behind Leyde
Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Telephone 504 – 225 5670 – Fax: 504 – 225 5670

2.- Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)

Agrupación del Pueblo Lenca, created in 1992 and which represents the protest struggle of all the Indigenous and Black Peoples of Honduras. It works with indigenous councils and council of elders at the local level (municipal or departmental), and maintains contact with national bodies.

They have a radio program called «Ecos de Opalaca» broadcast by Radio Esperanza from the Department of Intibucá.
COPINH has 200,000 indigenous Lenca members from the departments of Comayagua, Intibucá, Lempira and La Paz. The main office is located in Barrio Las Delicias, Intibucá city. Email: Website:

3.- National Indigenous Lenca Organization of Honduras (ONILH)

Organization of the Lenca People, created in July 1989, to fight to make effective the constitutional provision contained in Article 346, on the protection of the rights and interests of indigenous communities, especially their lands and forests.

4.- Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (OFRANEH)

Garífuna Organization that began as a Honduran Garífuna Society (SOGAÑAH) in the 1960s and later in 1981 became OFRANEH. It is organized in a General Assembly, General Coordination, Executive Committee and specific work teams in project management, legal and cultural affairs, women and children, health, education, spirituality, international relations, political affairs, land and territory, youth, the elderly. .

It is the oldest federation of the Garífuna People, and of the Indigenous and Black Peoples of Honduras.

5.- Federation of Tribes Xicaques de Yoro (FETRIXY)

Organization of the Tolupan People, created in 1985 with the support of Catholic Priests of the Jesuit Order, and originally known as the Federation of Indigenous Tribes of Yoro (FENATRILY). Its activity has an emphasis on the recovery of territories.

It currently has 18,000 members from 30 tribes in the departments of Yoro and Francisco Morazán. The main office is located in the Cabañas neighborhood, Avenida 25 de Julio, in the city of Yoro.

6.- Tawahka Indigenous Federation of Honduras (FITH)

Tawahka People’s Organization created in 1987, and based in Tegucigalpa. He has worked in the delimitation and defense of the Tawahka Asangni Biosphere and the titling of community lands; protection and sustainable use of natural resources; promotion of bilingual education; development of agriculture and infrastructure.

In 1988 the Asang-Launa Association (AASLA) was created in support of the FITH as a technical body.

The FITH and AASLA office is located in Barrio La Concepción, 12th street, between 5th and 6th avenues.

7.- Maya Chorti National Indigenous Council (CONIMCH)

Organization of the Maya Chortí People, created in 1998. It represents 10,600 indigenous people in 52 communities in the departments of Copan and Ocotepeque.
It has its main office in Colonia Las Vegas, in the city of Copán Ruinas, department of Copán.

8.- Nauhas Indigenous Federation of Honduras (FINAH)

Since 1995, it is dedicated to the Promotion of the rights of the land, and community development.
It represents 19,800 members distributed in 18 communities in the municipalities of Catacamas, Guata and Jano in the department of Olancho.
The main office is in Barrio Nueva Esperanza, Bulevar «Las Acacias» in Catacamas, Olancho.

9.- Mosquitia Asla Takanka (MASTA) – La Mosquitia Unit

It was created in 1987 as an association of students from the Gracias a Dios department, but although it groups mestizos, indigenous people and blacks, it focuses its work on the demands of the country’s indigenous and black movement. It is made up of congresses of Miskito teachers.

It has its main office in Barrio El Centro, in the city of Puerto Lempira.

10.- Federation of Indigenous Tribes PECH of Honduras (FETRIPH)

Created in 1988, and made up of representatives of tribal councils and with the support of the National Pedagogical University (UPNFM) and the Council for Indigenous Promotion of Honduras (COPIH).

It represents 3,800 Pech Indians in 10 tribes in the departments of Olancho, Colón and Gracias a Dios.


1.- Mosquitia Pawisa Apiska

NGO that since 1985 is dedicated to Environmental Conservation; ecotourism; Health; sustainable agriculture and agroforestry; bilingual education; credit and microenterprise; advocacy for land rights and conservation. Its mission is to facilitate the participation of La Mosquitia in its own «integral development» in economic, social, spiritual and ecological terms.

It is defined as a non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian civil association dedicated to the mission of integral human development and nature conservation with a Christian commitment.

Its target population is represented by the Miskitos, Tawahkas, Pech, Garífunas and Ladinos of the region. It has a main headquarters in Puerto Lempira and operation centers in Krausirpi, Wampusirpi, Ahuas, Las Marías, Cocobila and Limonal. His area of work is the Honduran Mosquitia.

2.- Committee for integral development of the Hungarian Mosquitia (COPRODEIMH)

NGO that since 1988 responds to the demands of the Miskito people by generating agricultural and maritime projects. It has a target population of approximately 35,000 inhabitants of the aforementioned region, including the Garífunas, Misquitos, Pech and Tawahka.

3.- MOBANAT – Unit of Natives of the Misquita Region

Help for victims of Hurricane Mitch; prevention and education on drug use; regional development; and advocates for the rights of the Miskito. They carry out an agriculture and environment project.

4.- Honduran Advisory Council for the Development of Native Ethnic Groups (CADHEA)

NGO created in 1986 as the Honduran Indigenous Promotion Committee, which since 1987 bears its current name. Made up of a General Assembly in which representatives of indigenous peoples and two non-indigenous technicians participate.

5.- Organization for Ethnic Community Development (ODECO)

Garífuna Organization that since 1992 leads development projects; land rights; political advocacy; congresses and cultural activities.

It is based in the port city of La Ceiba, Department of Atlántida, made up of technicians of Garífuna origin. Its general objective is to promote the integral development of Afro-Caribbean communities, through health and basic sanitation programs. Physical address: Barrio la Isla, 2da. Street. La Ceiba, Honduras. P.O.
Box 538 Telephone (504) 2443-3651 Fax (504) 2443-4642 Website :

6.- Honduran Foundation for the Defense of Garífuna Culture (FUHDECGAR)

Private, non-profit development organization with institutional capacity, founded in 1998 by a group of professional men and women (musicians, artists, scientists, lawyers and experts in cultural development and promotion); under the interest of achieving the full recognition of the Garífuna culture as a transcendent value in the national identity; the promotion and dissemination of their cultural values as well as achieving the social, cultural, economic and political development of the Garífuna communities and peoples.

7.- Center for Community Development (CEDECO)

Garífuna NGO whose mission is to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of indigenous peoples, blacks and people with limited resources, through the identification, formulation, and execution of projects of production, research, infrastructure, education, training, environment, health, culture, protection, control of natural resources; as well as to contribute to the institutional strengthening of trade unions and private non-profit organizations.

8.- Link of Black Women of Honduras (ENMUNEH)

NGO created in 1994 whose mission is to organize, train and empower Garìfuna women, with a gender focus, so that they can contribute to their personal development that results in the further development of families, communities and therefore the country.

9.- Garífuna Women on the March (MUGAMA)

Foundation started in New York, in 1989, by three Garífuna women for the recognition of the women of this indigenous people and their problems in the United States as migrants, and in their territories of origin in Honduras.

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