Song to Zacapa
I’m from Zacapa! hot earth,
I was born in the neighborhood «El Tamarindal»,
I am proud to be brave
I consider myself a good oriental.
I have a beautiful and sincere girlfriend,
whom I really love,
my little girl, pure «tunera»
He was born close to the «Punhilá».
The oasis in La Fragua is beautiful
where the train passes close by,
the water is fresh like the Motagua,
like the bathrooms of “Pasabién”.
Beautiful women in Estanzuela,
as Teculután has them,
the ones in Río Hondo are very beautiful
and those of Gualán envy nothing,
the ones in Río Hondo are very beautiful
as in San Diego and Usumatlán.
As I remember my Zacapa,
its beautiful streets and its station,
where my beautiful girlfriend lives
whom I love from the heart.
I’m from Zacapa! orient land,
where the sun rises first…
that’s why I have hot blood
like the notes of my song.